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Plant details

Plant use

Disease/ Afflicted area

medical treatment

Maasai name



Scientific (Latin) name

Part used

Common name

Maasai translation: Ore naa ele naa olokununui naa ele ore naa ele pooki pee owoki onohi saa kiyaa engohoke ore naa pee kiyar engohoke peeku onahi orsarge peeku  kiarita tukul ore naa pee iyeu nedung’u naa olokununui naa ninye edung’uni nemukuni tee engare nidon’ dong’  aaok amu inye lekiretoki engohoke en’dung’oto pee ikashu taa nije etui ele oji olekununui.

Swahili translation:  hii ni olokununui na ni hii ikikunyiwa ukiumwa na tumbo na ukiumwa na tumbo na kuhara damu ikuwe inakuumiza sana ukitaka isimamishe unatumia olokununui ndio inakatwa na kuweka maji na kubonda unakunywa inasaidia tumbo isimamishe kuendesha ukikunywa hii inaitwa olekununui.

English translation: This is Olokunonoi. When you have stomach issues and bloody diarrhea, you can be in a lot of pain. If you use Olokunonoi, it can help stop the pain. You can cut a portion of this plant, crush it, and then soak it in water. Then you can drink the water and the stomach will stop the diarrhea. This is the use of Olokunonoi. 

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