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Plant details

Grewia trichocarpa

Plant use

Disease/ Afflicted area


Maasai name


Scientific (Latin) name

Grewia trichocarpa

Part used

Common name


Maasai translation: hii ni Esiteti, esiteti naa ninye itainye irmaasai eng’udi kwahiyo eng’udi ena amu egol  idaanda aajo aegol.. Imara .. kwahiyo eng’udi 

Swahili translation: hii ni Esiteti,Esiteti hii ndio wamaasai wanatoa fimbo nayo maana mzizi ni ngumu sana….kwa hiyo ni fumbi. 

English translation: This is Esiteti. Esiteti is what the maasai use to make a stick because the branches and roots of this plant are very hard. The bark of the stick also repels dust which keeps it clean.  

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