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Plant details

Plant use

Disease/ Afflicted area


Maasai name


Scientific (Latin) name

Part used

Common name

Maasai translation: … Endialong’o ena toi… kake meeta ena kasi, meeta endoki nekindaas endialongo ake enjani ake, engiti hani napuyiapui endialongo, ore nai enoshi kata pee eha engai pee epuku naleng’ ninepu taata itaa ing’oroyiok enoshi kiti hani najitieki ingera amu epuyiapui, metaa medot engerai kinyi .. meeta ena kasi tukul.. Neme archani, meenye tukul.

Swahili translation: Hii ni Endialongo…hii aina kazi,hakuna kitu tunafanya endialongo ni mti tu,ni mti nyepesi sana endialongo,wakati ile mungu ananyesha inatoka kabisa'

Unapata wamama wanapanguza watoto nao choo maana ni nyepesi,haiwezi sugua mtoto mdogo….haina kazi mingi…na sio dawa,haikuliwi kabisa.

English translation: This is Endialongo. There is not much we can do with this tree Endialongo, but it is still a very good tree. When God causes rain, Mothers will take their children to the toilet under this tree because it is a very good plant. But other than that, it lacks many functions. It is not a medicine, and is not eaten at all.

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