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Plant details

Acacia drepanolobium

Plant use

Disease/ Afflicted area

birth, body cleansing, animal health, medical treatment

Maasai name


back, muscles

Scientific (Latin) name

Acacia drepanolobium

Part used

Common name

Whistling thorn

Recording 1: Maasai translation: aaji taa nanu engarna Emmanuel nara olengang’ oletimam te kiserian te wilaya e loongiito nekitii  oldonyo laandare, ore eluaai naa archani sidai oleng’ archani aramatiho oleng’ amu sidai toomotorik, ewoki ake toomotorok, naa inye oretoki engoriong’ teniok taata too motorik naa akeretoki engoriong’ oo joint taake siinye “kunen” irubat oongejek, ore ake toongishu nihori engiteng’ naiboo emudong’ arashu engine naiboo emudong’ .. iidim aateretoki engine natoihe paake ibiruo pee ibok emudong’ ore pee iyiarakini pee ihori naa akeitau ina mudong’ .. ipaee.. 

Swahili translation:  Mimi majina yangu naitwa Emmanuel wa boma ya timam kutoka kiserian kwa wilaya ya loongiito na tuko mlima wa laandare,hii miti ni dawa safi sana ni dawa inatibu vizuri maana ni nzuri kwa supu ,inakunywa kama supu inasaidia mtu mgongo ukikunywa kama supu na mizuli ya mwili,pia kwa wanyama inapatiwa ile ngombe haijatoa nyumba ya mtoto ama mbuzi'….inaweza saidia mbuzi imezaa lakini imetoa kabla haijakuwa na kutoa nyumba ya mtoto,ikipikiwa inatoa hiyo nyumba ya mtoto….ndio

English translation: My name is Emmanuel from Timam Boma from Kiserian in Loongiito District and we are in Laandare Mountain. These trees carry a very good medicine, good for healing if cooked in a soup. Drinking it in a soup helps the back, as well as helping the muscles. It can also help the animals; if a cow or a goat is giving birth to a child, it can help the goat and the child if the child is born prematurely (and is malformed).

Recording 2:

Maasai translation: ore ele naa oluaai, ore oluaai naa ninye oshi kinjo indasati teneeku etoishe, neiho endomononi nebik ingolong’i are etooko eilata nihorieki imotoroki engine eluaai.. Neyieng’i engine naji engine eluaai neturuni indana neyierunyeki kuna  motorik nepiki engiti kuriny’ nabebek au esakuyuo, nepiki esakuyuo enaa engiring’o nipiri nihori endomononi, ore pee ihori endomononi neor engohoke nitau ilo chafu pookin nebiyotu neeku naa taata etaramataki ina tomononi neeta kule, neeeta ingulak ake iisuj .. metaa archani loondomonok.

Swahili translation: Hii ni oluaai,hii oluaai tunapatia wamama wamejifungua,mama anapatiwa anakaa siku mbili baada ya kunywa mafuta anapatiwa supu ya hii dawa.Mbuzi inachinjwa ambayo inaitwa mbuzi ya eluaai inachimbwa mizizi inapikwa na kuweka mafuta baada ya kuiva,mafuta kidogo,inawekwa mafuta kama nyama nono na kupatia mama amezaa,mama akipatiwa inasafisha tumbo inatoa hiyo uchafu yote anakuwa sawa sasa hiyo mama anakuwa amesaidiwa na kuwa na maziwa ya mtoto,inaosha makojoo kabisa…Sasa ni dawa ya wamama…

English translation: This is Eluaii, this we give to mothers who have given birth. We give the oil of this plant to the mothers for two days (after giving birth) with a soup. If you give this to the mother after she has given birth, it cleans the womb, removing all the waste. This can improve milk production, as well as washing away the amniotic fluid… this is a medicine for mothers.

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