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Plant details

Combretum molle

Plant use

Disease/ Afflicted area

medical treatment, disease prevention

Maasai name


fever, immune

Scientific (Latin) name

Combretum molle

Part used

Common name

Velvet bushwillow

Armararoi Oibor:

Maasai translation: akaaji taake engarna Letema aigil le Ruben, ore enaikunaki naa armararoi oibor ele ore umuhimu enye naaisidai amu keretoki ortung’ani engohoke, keretoki sii ortung’ani pee too ngoriong’i, neretoki tenabata ooleo pee edumu esidai, pee itaheiyie naa eninya.. Eniok tiatu siku nikiweh engima, ore itii humata engerai aikiweh ake engima kama kawaida kake midou naa… aikinuki ninja

Ore engai naa sidai naa too ortung’ani okwet ortau mara nyingi nipungusa ilo tau pee mitoki aakwet, ore sii engai naisidai amu ee keretoki irtung’anak ore oloshi tung’ani nijo elo ometaa eeta kisungusungu neretoki …(kanyoo ewok?)... indana… indana  naa teniwohu ake aloowok naasidai …(aikunaki aja tenewoki)...  aiyieri .. aiyer te supu ore pee iyer niok enaa oloshi owokito ake imotorik kama kawaida… ore pee miyata ake ina nidol aajo kikwatita artau mara nyingi naiyer akeduo aichemsha niok mdogo mdogo… mitoki artau aakwet.

Swahili translation:  Mimi ninaitwa letema wa Ruben,hii ni Armararoi oibor umuhimu inasaidia mtu tumbo,pia inasaidia mtu mgongo,inasaidia wazee viungo vyeti inapokataa kufanya na kuamsha inapofanya kazi.ukikunywa baada ya siku inakupa joto,ukiwa juu ya mwanamke inakupa nguvu na huwezi simama….inakufunga hivi mungu ni mwema mtu ndio anatorokesha roho mara mingi unapungusa hiyo uoga ndio uache kutoroka,mungu ni mwema maana inasaidia mtu mwenye akona na kisungusungu….(ankunywa nini?)....mizizi….mizizi na ukikunywa inasaidia……(unafanyaje unapokunya)...inapikwa ..inapikwa na supu na unakunywa kama ule mwenye anakunya kama mwenye anakunywa supu kama kawaida….kama unaona hiyo inakimbisha damu mara mingi unapika na kuchemsha na unakunywa mdogo mdogo……usikunywe na kukimbia.

English translation: My name is Ruben Letema, and this is Armaroiroi Oibor. The importance of this plant is its ability to cure a hurt stomach. This plant also helps a person’s back, and helps the elderly when the joints refuse to work, or hurts them when the joints do work. After a long day in the cold it can warm you up, and when you are on top of a woman it can give you strength… When a person is sick with measles, he should drink the roots (of this plant), in a boiled soup as usual. If the one who sneezes (someone with a cold) drinks the soup7, blood flow is increased and this helps, but still do not exercise until the medicine has finished working.


Recording 1: Maasai translation: ore naa siinye ele naa armararoi ele oturuni indana pee ewoki, nee supu ake siinye ewokieki amu inepu ortung’ani oyeu neok erok naa akeyeru aapik emoti neyeru taata niho miropija nesilu naa enaata engure neok, ore naa ele hani neretoki im’baa kumok tosesen amu enituhuli ele olati kulie kiek pookin okulo le kinepu amu kinepu ake kuliek oiituhuli tenebo …je amu aituru oshi ingiek pookin kuna ainani pookin ninduhul temoti nabo niyeru naa neeku iwok amu kiretoki tosesen… tosesen  lino aainye pee eninepu ortung’ani lemeokito inepu ekwetiki oloirobi ovyo oivyo niibung’ .. metaa armararoi ele nija inje etiu.. nija inye etiu endurunoto enye amu endanai eturuni.

Swahili translation: hii nayo ni Armararoi hii miti mizizi inachimbwa ndio ikunyuwe,inakunyiwa  supu maana unapata mtu anataka kunywa ikiwa hivyo inawekwa sufuria na kuchemshwa na kupatia ipoeshwe na kuchuchunga na kukunyiwa na mtu ana kiu,hii dawa inasaidia mahali mingi kwa mwili inachanganywa na dawa zingine na hizi zingine maana kuna zingine zinachangaywa kwa sufuria unaweka zote unapoesha kwa sufuria alafu unakunywa maana inasaidia viungo mingi mwilini…..kwa mwili yako inasaidia mtu kwa homa kutoshika ovyo ovyo

Dawa armararoi inafanya hivi,ndio inafanya hivi kuchimba mizizi yake ndio inachimbiwa.

English translation: This is Armaroiroi. The roots of this tree are dug up to be drunk in a soup. If you find someone who wants to drink, it can be put in a pot and boiled, then cooled and looked after, and finally ingested by someone who is thirsty (for the medicine). This medicine assists in many places in the body, and is mixed with other medicines in a pot for greater effect. This medicine helps the function of many organs in the body. It can also help to prevent a careless person from catching a fever. The Armaroiroi medicine does this if you dig up its roots.

  Recording 2: Maasai translation: ore naa ele, naa armararoi ele, ore ele mararoi naa aeturuni endana aayeru, ore peeyeri enee esupu etookieki … neokieki esupu kake engine, ore pee idol pee etaa duo eteyeruoki pee metii esupu niidim aateyeru nipik emoti miropija, ore naa pee iropiju naa eniyeta engure naainye aaku engare niok nekiidim aataretoki osesen lino pookin metaa mekiidim oloirobi aipidoki aaku duo kiloklok oloirobi neeku enekiibung’ orkiti oirobi pee iwok nelelek naa injiu. Metaaa armararoi ele.

Swahili translation: Hii naye,ni armararoi,hii mararoi inachibwa mizizi na kuchemchwa,ikichemshwa inakunyiwa na supu…..inakunyiwa supu ya mbuzi,ukiona imechemshwa kama hakuna supu unaacha ipoe,ikipoa ukiwa na kiu unakunywa kama maji inasaidia mwili homa isikupate kwa haraka maana homa ikikushika kidogo ukinywa inaondoa kwa mwili.Hii ni armararoi .

English translation: This is Armaroiroi. The roots of Armaroiroi are boiled, after it is boiled it is drunk with soup made from goat meat. If you see that the goat soup and medicine have been boiled, you must wait until it is cool and then drink the goat soup like water. This helps the body so that the fever does not catch you. 

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