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Plant details

Croton megalocarpus

Plant use

Disease/ Afflicted area

medical treatment

Maasai name


stomach, cold, respiratory

Scientific (Latin) name

Croton megalocarpus

Part used

Common name

Croton tree

Maasai translation: .. sawa.. Sasa ore naa inye ele likai hani naa akeji armabait, ore armabait  naa te kingereza inaitwa scientific name inaitwa …croto meglapacas… kake ore ele hani nebulu toordonyo telelodonyo lang’ le loongiito, archani sidai oleng’ amu eji oloibor benek epuku taake enaa jamii ee orkitaruo kake archani sapuk  naa ninye, ore ele hani naa ore ilohi tung’anak aata enyamali oongoshuak ake niidim aatooshu nena abobok enyena, ore ake peeoshu nena abobik enyena nepuo aitaar engolong’ niitoi ore badae  niidong’ ore ake piidip aidong’o nitushulakini kule naaoto ning’oling’oli arahu ipiri, arashu ipahi, ore ake pee ipahakini nena ale naoto nedung’ nena ale naaoto neeku ake enaa engiti aare ake taata aabebeku mitoki aaku iruha, neok taa taata ortung’ani ore ake taata peeok ortung’ani basi niidim taa taata aahomo aatuguruma arashu eer engohoke, kake archani sii taata oirobi lemeeta duo engai nyamali, nemedua naleng’ akelili ake, akeeta akeduo arufu flani hivi naidim aikuna..

Swahili translation: ..sawa..sasa hii miti nyingine inaitwa Armabait,sasa armabait kwa kingereza inaitwa scientific name croto meglapacas..lakini hii miti inamea kwa mlima kwa hii mlima yetu inaitwa loongito ni mti nzuri sana inaitwa matawi nyeupe inamea fupi,hii miti watu Wenye shida ya tumbo wanaweza toa maganda ya hii miti,akitoa hayo maganda unakausha kwa just ikikakaushwa inachanganywa na maziwa lala inakorogwa,ikikorogwa na maziwa lala inachanganywa na maji kidogo ndio ikue nyepesi isikuwe mzito,mtu anakunywa,mtu akikunywa inafanya tumbo igurume ama iwumishe tuumbo,lakini ni dawa baridi ndio aina shida,sio kali iko sawa,iko na harufu fulani inaweza fanya…

English translation: Okay… These trees are called Armabait in English and Maa, but the scientific name is ____________. These trees grow on our mountain, called Mt. Longido. It is a very beautiful tree with white branches, but grows low to the ground. These trees are for people with stomach problems. They can take the bark from the trees and dry it. After it is dry, it is mixed with milk and then stirred. When it is stirred with milk, it is mixed with a little water so that it becomes light and not heavy. When someone drinks it, it will sometimes make the stomach growl or make the stomach swell, but it is a good medicine for the stomach as well as a decent cold medicine. It also has a certain smell (to identify). 

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