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Plant details

Plant use

Disease/ Afflicted area

medical treatment, body care

Maasai name



Scientific (Latin) name

Part used

Common name

Maasai translation: eee.. Kaaji taa nanu Emmanuel nara olengang’ oletimam te kiserian, atii wilaya eloongito, engitongoji ordonyo laandare,

Ore ena hani naji almandeindei naa archani anya indare talamei oo talari, ore sii taa irmaasai toongera oo too irtung’ana botorok nitau engong’u, tenilo oloiboni piin’dim niyata engerai naata  engong’u  arashu piyata iyie engong’u naa armandeindei kijokini shomo ngaja homo sujare nilo aitau armandendei niindu aayer te ngare nairowua nilo aikaja, nilo aisujare…. Ashe oleng…

Swahili translation: ndioo..mimi naitwa Emmanuel wa jamii wa oletimam kutoka kiserian,niko wilaya ya loongito,gitongoji ya ordonyo laandare,

Hii miti ambayo inaitwa almandeindei ni miti ambayo kondoo ula kwa kiangazi na wakati wa mvua ,kwa wamaasai kwa watoto na watu wazima inatoa macho,ukienda kwa mganga na ukiwe na mtoto mwenye ako na macho ama wewe una macho armandeindei unaambiwa uoge nayo na utoe armandeindei na upike kwa maji moto na uende uoge…..Asante sana….

English translation: Yes… My name is Emmanuel from the Oletimam boma from Kiserian, from the Loongito district, the Ordonyo Laandare township. These trees are called Almandeindei, and are enjoyed greatly by sheep during the summer and the time of rain. The Maasai, we use this plant to give children and adults eyes (help them see). If you go to a healer with a child who lacks eyes (vision), you are told to boil this plant Almandeindei and bathe in the hot water… Thank you very much…

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