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Plant details

Osyris abyssinica

Plant use

Disease/ Afflicted area

body cleansing

Maasai name



Scientific (Latin) name

Osyris abyssinica

Part used

Common name

African sandalwood

Maasai translation: alaisai, kanyoo ees amu ake elopiho taa, elop ing’oroyiok indana, eee eng’uruma ake egurumiho ele basi , eee, metaa, kake akidong’i toi aidong aidong neyeri eee basi nikununye inji olobura oibor, basi niok taa taata aasili ake taata te tengishungi niok iyie engobo eee kake meyieri, tenilang’lang engare mehomo engijape basi, basi niidong’ ninut, anut taata enaarkaraha enakata isujita nikunari inji alabura, basi nisil ake taata niok nekilop pii, ina ake taata kasi enye.

Swahili translation:  Aina ya miti,nini inafanya maana inafanya kutapika,inatapisha wanake mizizi,hii ni chakula inafanya kuwa kubwa,ndio ikue,lakini inakunywa kunywa inapikwa ndio inakuwa hivi kutoa fomu,ndio unakunywa Leo unachuchunga kwa kichuchungi unakunywa kikombe tatu lakini aipigwi,ukiweka moto ndio baridi iende,basi unakunywa unatema,unatema maji ukiosha mdomo inaenda hivi fomu,basi unachuchunga unakunywa unatapika kabisa,hio tu ndio kazi yake

English translation: This is a type of herb. What does it do? For women, after ingesting the roots, it induces vomiting (for cleansing of the body), as well as providing strength. To prepare, warm it over a fire until it produces a white foam. It should not be too intensely cooked, only warm. Use a sieve to separate the liquids and the solids, then take three cups of the liquid without the white foam. This also helps to clean the mouth, and induces vomiting. This is the way it works. 

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